Selasa, 05 Juli 2011


Hey Girls!!
Are you a girl who always crying about a monster called "BOY" ?
Are you a girl who always hiding your sadness with your smile eventhough you're not fine?

HOY HOY girlssss
please WAKE UP!
I know it's not easy to forget someone whom you loved. but..........we're a Girls! It's not fair if we're who....always....always...hurt by a boy.
you know what I mean right?


In Indonesia it known as 'GALAU' . yes galau. you know what is it? galau is.......feeling so lonely. feel like nobody cares. nobody like us. nobody understand us. as a teenagers I ever feel like that. It's a normal but it's not good for us if we're always do like that. HELLOOO this is a life! LIFE IS MUST GO ON. Even though we're have a boyfriend or not. Even though we're happy or not. Even though you know I'm okay or not.

I'm (NOT) OK's a nice world. Oh's really sucks world actually. Ummm not bad. but whenever a girls feeling so lonely. She always do like this : 
And a girl really love when a boy gave his attention like this :

 aww a boy who do like that can make a girl's heart melting just  like an ice cream!

AND......the last. For you this sucks nice world,we're just a life for once! so....DO WHAT MAKES YOU OH-SO HAPPY!

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Sejarah Sepeda Fixie

Sepeda Fixie sebenarnya berasal  Amerika Serikat, tepatnya di kota New York. Sepeda fixie atau  digunakan oleh pengantar pos / surat kabar / majalah. Karena kondisi kota New York sangat padat, mereka sering terlambat ketika mengantar paket mereka. Akhirnya mereka memilih sepeda fixed gear sebagai alternatif dan hasilnya sangat memuaskan karena pengiriman yang lebih cepat.

 Sepeda Fixie menggunakan sistem kecepatan yang fixed, yang membuat ayunan pedal rotasi terus berputar, sehingga untuk melakukan pengereman, pengemudi  sepeda fixie harus mengurangi kekuatan dengan melawan arah putaran pedal, atau yang biasa disebut sistem “Trape Door.” Info selanjutnya  click ini 
Dari semua keterangan di atas saya memilih alasan sendiri kenapa memilih&menyukai sepeda ini : 
"Warnanya yg beragam&menarik. Bodynya yang enteng membuat saya tidak mudah pegal jika menggunakan sepeda fixie. Hbu?"


Oh God thankyou.....finally you answer all of my prayer. I get a school now. I was accepted at 2 Senior High School. and I'm so glad! Now I can make my parents proud of me:) 

Bad news.......some of my best friend wasn't accepted at that school. AAAAAA I want to crying!!! I'm not happy anymore when I heard it :( It's so sucks!!! Hate for the people who accepted with a wrong way. cheating. OHHHHHH HELLYEAH!! ()

But of all I just wanna say Thankyou for today, Thanks God:) Thanks to Allah :)

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

YaAllah....kabulkanlah doaku(˘ʃƪ˘)

hallo anak gaul anak cupu anak metal anak eksis anak mama&papa. salam sosis sonice!

hikeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sedih bgt nih gue blm dapet sekolaaaah(ʃ˘̩̩̩.˘̩̩̩ƪ)
ternyata dapet sekolah tuh lebih susah daripada dapet pacar. HELLYEAH!
perasaan waktu gue mau masuk SMP ga serempong ini deh. huuufff

kemaren gue test di SMA 2 Kota Serang. dan lusa,hari Senin adalah pengumumannya. Ya Allah....aku cuma mau satu. Aku mau dapet sekolah. Aku mau diterima di SMA 2 :'( *nangis darah* *lebay* *bodo amat*

so guys....please doain gue ya smg gue diterima. semoga gue dapet kabar yg baik di hari Senin nanti. thanks yg udah mau doain☺daaaan....yg ngga doain gue...gue gak maksa kok. gue cuma doain lo jomblo seumur idup hahahahahhaahahahha *ketawa setan* boong ding,gue jg masih punya hati. tenang.....