Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011


BIGthanks to my God,Allah SWT.who created me with all that I have O:)
BIGthanks to my parents,who loved me with full heart.ƪ(♥ε♥)ʃ
BIGthanks to my brothers,…….they’re annoying.but sometimes they’re very nice to me.(SOMETIME) (ˇˇ)-c<ˇ_ˇ)
BIGthanks to my besties,wuaaaaaah I love you so much:* they’re give me inspiration. I can learn anything,about friendship,reallife,and LOVE ƪ˘) ƪ˘)ʃ ˘)ʃ
BIGthanks to my Boyfriend,ups……I forget that I don’t have bf-_-v
BIGthanks to my teachers,who make me smartttt like now☺☺☺(gapdgitukaliiii-_-)
BIGthanks to my secret admirer(_o_)┐(????)

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